Wednesday, March 9, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Treats

I am always looking for easy cute ideas for snacks for my son's preschool class. We have a couple of kids in the class with peanut, milk and egg allergies, so picking snacks has been challenging. I have already done the usual fruit cups and jell-o. So I was thrilled to find this little allergy free gem...

As it turns LOVE cereal! Or they may have just eaten all of the marshmallows out of them, but either way they were cute AND easy. Check out the girls at Eighteen25 for the Lucky printable and tutorial on how to put together these beauties. I love to look like an alpha mom without any of the effort. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm here. Now, let's get this blog rolling with things happier for you than cereal. We can do this, kiddo.
