I have to say that I am not that impressed with Kroger this week. However, if you like healthier cereal options and have some great coupons, they do have one great deal. Buy 4 boxes of Special K or Kashi cereals for $2.99/box and get 3 half gallons of milk for free. Here are the best deals I have come up with so far:
Scenario 1:
Buy 4 boxes of Special K (my daughter is addicted to the Red Berries) $11.98
click here for special K coupons BOGO coupon (use 2) -$ 5.98
Final price for 4 boxes of cereal AND 3 half gallons of milk $ 6.00
I should mention that the link will take you to the Special K website and ask you to join there weight loss plan in order to get the coupons....a little bit of work, but so well worth it. We're talking buy one get one free after all.
Scenario 2:
If you are a member of Vocalpoint you received a packet of Kashi coupons 1 $3.00 off a box and 3 $1.00 off a box. Now is the time to pull them out. If you are not a member of Vocalpoint join here.
buy 4 boxes of Kashi (coupons are for GOLEAN CRISP) $11.98
Use 1 $3.00 off and 3 $1.00 off for a total of -$ 6.00
Final price for 4 boxes of cereal AND 3 half gallons of milk $5.98
Not a great deal, but not bad for 2 cereal brands that rarely go on sale.
I should note that this deal is even better if you happen to live near a Kroger that doubles coupons up to and including $1.00. The only person I know that has this good fortune is my sister in law (of whom I am extremely jealous). If you have this option then, you could have $9.00 off using the above coupons and pay only $2.98 for Kashi cereal.
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